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How Towny Works: A Player’s Guide

Towny is a Minecraft plugin that allows players to create towns, join communities, and claim land in a structured way. It adds an economy, land protection, and a way for players to work together to build thriving settlements.

Getting Started

Joining or Creating a Town

• You can join an existing town or start your own if you have enough in-game money.

• Being in a town gives you access to protected land, town chat, and benefits like lower taxes and shared resources.

Towns and Nations

• Towns: Groups of players who claim and protect land together.

• Nations (Optional): Groups of towns that unite for trade, war, or mutual benefits.

Land Protection & Claiming Land

• Town Land: The mayor can claim land chunks (16x16 blocks) for the town.

• Resident Plots: The mayor can assign plots to town members, allowing them to build on their own space.

• Wild Land: Any land not claimed by a town is unprotected and open to the public.

Plot Permissions

• Build: Allows placing and breaking blocks.

• Destroy: Controls if you can break blocks.

• Switch: Controls access to doors, buttons, levers, etc.

• Item Use: Governs using buckets, ender pearls, and similar items.

These permissions can be set for:

 Residents (R) - Town members

 Allies (A) - Friends or allies

 Outsiders (O) - Players not in the town

Economy & Taxes

• Towns require money to stay active. If the town bank runs out, the town may fall into ruin.

• Taxes: Towns may charge residents daily or charge for plot ownership.

• Upkeep: Towns must pay a daily fee to maintain land claims.

PvP & Wars

• Towns can toggle PvP (player vs. player combat) on or off in their land.

• Wars (if enabled): Towns or nations can go to war, leading to potential loss of land and resources.

Benefits of Being in a Town

 Grief Protection – Only trusted players can build or break in town land.

 Economy & Trading – Many towns have shops, markets, or trade agreements.

 Community Building – Work together on big projects with your friends.

 Safe Zones – Towns often provide safety from PvP and mobs.

Basic Commands

💬 /town join [TownName] – Join a town if invited.

🏡 /town leave – Leave your current town.

🏙 /town new [TownName] – Create a new town (if you have enough money).

💰 /town deposit [Amount] – Add money to your town’s bank.

📜 /town – Shows town info, residents, and bank balance.

🗺 /town map – Displays a mini-map of claimed land.

Important Information

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