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Town Production Guide

Town Production Information

Town production details can be viewed on the town screen. Example:


Daily Production: 64 Oak Logs, 32 Emeralds

Surveys (Resource Discovery)

Before a town can produce resources, they must first be discovered through Surveys. Each survey reveals a resource of a specific level and type.


Resource Level Unlocked


Minimum Town Blocks Required

Survey 1

Level 1 Resource



Survey 2

Level 2 Resource



Survey 3

Level 3 Resource



Survey 4

Level 4 Resource



To conduct a survey, enter your town and use:

/t resources survey

If successful, a global message will be broadcast. Example:

Goosius1 has discovered coal deposits in Rome! Daily Production: 64 Coal.

Daily Production

At the start of each Towny New Day, towns automatically generate resources.

Production Bonuses by Resource Level

Resource Level

Production Bonus

Minimum Town Level Required

Level 1

No Bonus

Town Level 2

Level 2


Town Level 4

Level 3


Town Level 6

Level 4


Town Level 8

After production, available resources will be displayed on the town screen. Example:


Daily Production: 64 Oak Logs, 32 Emeralds

Available for Collection: 64 Oak Logs, 32 Emeralds

If a town does not meet the level requirement for a resource, it will show zero production. Example:


Daily Production: 64 Oak Logs, 0 Emeralds

Storage Limitations

Each town can store a maximum of 5x the daily production amount. Any additional production beyond this limit is lost.

Collecting Town Resources

To collect town resources as a Mayor, Assistant, or Treasurer, enter your town and use:

/t resources collect

The collected resources will be dropped at your current position.

Nation Production Guide

Nation Production Information

Nation-wide production and collection details can be found on the nation screen. Example:


Daily Production: 64 Oak Logs, 64 Coal, 32 Emeralds

Available for Collection: 128 Oak Logs, 128 Coal, 64 Emeralds

Daily Production Distribution

If a town belongs to, or is occupied by, a nation, 50% of the town’s production is diverted to the nation.

Collecting Nation Resources

To collect nation resources as a King, Assistant, or Treasurer, enter your capital and use:

/n collectresources

The collected resources will be dropped at your current position.

Daily Extraction Limits

Resource Categories

Extraction is limited per resource category.

Example: The “Common Rocks” category includes both Stone and Cobblestone. Extracting either will count toward the same daily limit.

Limit Reset

Extraction limits reset daily at Towny New Day.

Extraction Limit Notifications

When a player reaches the daily limit for a specific resource category, they will receive a notification. Example:

Daily extraction limit reached for Beetroot (64).

Limit Mechanisms

Block Drops

• Before reaching the daily limit: Breaking a block that drops an item counts towards the limit.

• After reaching the daily limit:

• Ancient Debris: Block does not break; Warning message appears.

• Dirt, Rock, Cobblestone: Block breaks; No warning message.

• All other blocks: Block breaks; Warning message appears.

Mob Death Drops

• Before reaching the limit: Killing a mob that drops an item counts towards the limit.

• After reaching the limit: The mob will not drop the item, and a warning message will be displayed.


• Before reaching the limit: Catching an item while fishing counts towards the limit.

• After reaching the limit: No item will be caught, and a warning message appears.

Sheep Shearing

• Before reaching the limit: Shearing a sheep counts +2 towards the wool category limit.

• After reaching the limit: Shearing is disabled, and a warning message appears.

Egg Laying

• Before reaching the limit: Eggs dropped within a player’s owned town plots count towards the limit.

• After reaching the limit: Chickens stop laying eggs in the owned town plots.

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