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  • Update May 9th, 2023


    Hello all! 


    The following was changed on The Forgotten:

    • The /back command has been added to all players to return to the point they died at! Making it much easier to get your stuff back.
    • Added the following pets:
      • Rabbit
      • Salmon
      • Sheep
      • Silverfish
      • Skeleton
      • Skeleton Horse
      • Spider
      • Turtle
      • Villager
      • Vindicator
      • Witch
      • Wolf
      • Zombie
      • Zombie Horse
      • Baby ocelot
      • Baby pig
      • Baby polar bear
      • Baby rabbit
      • Baby sheep
      • Bat
      • Blaze
      • Cat
      • Cave Spider
      • Chicken
      • Cod
      • Cow
      • Creeper
      • Dolphin
      • Donkey
      • Drowned
      • Enderman
      • Endermite
      • Evoker
      • Fox
      • Horse
      • Husk
      • Llama
      • Magma Cube
      • Mule
      • Phantom
      • Pig
      • Pillager
      • Polar Bear


    Just a few new pets... 😛

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