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  • Server update Feb 13th 2024


    Exciting Update on The Forgotten Minecraft Survival Server!

    We're thrilled to announce a minor update to The Forgotten Minecraft Survival Server that brings some fantastic changes for our community! Here's what's new:

    Auto Farms Now 100% Free!
    We've made a significant change to Auto Farms; they are now completely free for all players! However, to maintain balance and ensure everyone gets a fair shot, there will be a limit on how many Auto Farms each player can have at one time. But worry not, for those looking to expand their farming empire, VIP levels are here to help! Upgrade your VIP level to increase the number of Auto Farms you can own. This is a perfect opportunity to dive into more efficient farming without worrying about the cost.

    Lands and Upgradable Hoppers Update:
    We've also rolled out an update for "Lands" focusing on an API fix that enhances stability and performance. Alongside, our Upgradable Hoppers have received some attention too, ensuring they work more seamlessly within your setups. These improvements are part of our commitment to providing a smooth and enjoyable experience on the server.

    We believe these updates will make your adventures on The Forgotten even more enjoyable and give you more freedom to build and expand. As always, we're keen to hear your feedback and look forward to seeing how these changes enhance your gameplay.

    Stay tuned for more updates, and happy crafting on The Forgotten!


    Feel free to reach out on our forums or Discord channel if you have any questions, suggestions, or need support. Let's make The Forgotten the best Minecraft survival experience out there!

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