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  • Major Update Announcement for The Forgotten - Transitioning to Heroes MMO Plugin!


    Hello everyone!

    We're excited to announce that this Friday, March 1st, The Forgotten will be undergoing some significant updates that we've been planning for a while. Our team is dedicated to ensuring that your experience on our server is always improving, and part of that commitment involves keeping our system up-to-date and introducing new features that enhance gameplay and community interaction.

    What's Happening?

    • Plugin Updates: We're updating all our plugins to their latest versions. While there won't be new plugins added during this round of updates, ensuring that our current ones are up-to-date is crucial for maintaining server stability and security. This step is all about refining and improving what we already have to make sure everything runs smoothly.

    • Major Update - Heroes MMO Plugin: The highlight of this update is our switch to the new Heroes MMO plugin! This is a major upgrade for us and represents a significant shift in how our gameplay dynamics will work. The Heroes MMO plugin brings a richer, more immersive RPG experience to our server, offering new abilities, quests, and a more engaging combat system that we believe everyone will enjoy.

    • Wiki Area Update: To help everyone get accustomed to the new Heroes MMO plugin, we're also updating our wiki area with a wealth of information. You'll find detailed guides, FAQs, and resources designed to make the transition as smooth as possible. Whether you're a seasoned player or new to the server, there will be something for everyone to learn and explore.

    What Does This Mean for You?

    • Prepare for a Fresh Experience: With the introduction of the Heroes MMO plugin, expect a revitalized gameplay experience that brings new challenges and adventures. It's an excellent opportunity for everyone to explore new aspects of the game, develop your characters in unique ways, and engage with the community on a whole new level.

    • Check the Wiki: We strongly encourage all players to visit the updated wiki area once the changes go live. Familiarizing yourself with the new plugin and its features will greatly enhance your gameplay and ensure you're getting the most out of the new system.

    • Feedback Welcome: As always, we're keen to hear your feedback. After you've had some time to experience the updates, let us know what you think. Your input is invaluable in helping us fine-tune and make future improvements.

    Mark Your Calendars!

    This update is scheduled for Friday, March 1st. There might be some downtime as we implement these changes, so please plan your playtime accordingly. We'll strive to minimize any disruptions and keep you all posted on our progress.

    Thank you for your continued support and enthusiasm. We're looking forward to embarking on this new journey with you and seeing how our beloved server evolves with these updates.

    See you in-game!

    Best, The Forgotten Admin Team

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