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  • Change Log Feb 16th, 2023


    Howdy folks! The following has been added to the server:


    Biome Compass

    You can now craft a compass that will point you in the direction of the biome you are looking for! More more randomly hunting around the world to find it, let the compass be your guide!

    image.thumb.png.92dd3c7ee7e710f345af1ba1e8381f2b.pngThe biome compass requires the following items: 

    • 1 Water Bucket
    • 1 Lava Bucket
    • 1 Dirt
    • 1 Stone
    • 1 Netherrack
    • 1 End Stone
    • 1 Snowball
    • 1 Poppy
    • 1 Compass

    You may also purchase one at the spawn point for 10 diamonds from the Lead Shop. Once you have it crafted, or purchased, just right click on it, choose the biome you want, and it will find it for you!


    Activity Rewards are coming!

    Daily login rewards are coming! Get some extra Aethro Coins just for logging in and saying hi, maybe some new items, or even expansions for your town! This will be available in the next few days as we work on what you deserve rewards wise, but some are available now!


    TikTok & Twitch rewards

    We are also currently working on twitch and tiktok integrations for more types of rewards! More about this will be forth coming in the next week.

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