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  • Website & Discord changes Feb 22nd 2023


    Today, I did some work on the backend and some of the front end things with our discord server and website.


    Discord Changes

    • Removed Dev Trackers category. The system was being clunky and with other projects going on, it has been removed for the time being.
    • Removed Gold and Silver subscription tiers. These were just for fun and testing, nothing was actually done with them so just removed it to clean up the channels list.
    • Added in GTAV RP category for the new fiveM server. This includes a new chat room and voice chat.
    • Added GTA Staff system for warnings and reports via discord.

    Website Changes

    • Updated announcement banner showing we are hiring for multiple open positions to prepare for hiring of FiveM staff.
    • Removed snow effect from website.
    • Removed new years effects from website.
    • Added new area for GTA addition, including news articles.


    We are still hiring and working diligently on our Estates in Second Life, and working on the Forgotten (they are not forgotten!). This includes new expansions in Second Life, starting with our Resort area which will be opening soon, donation system and continued advertisement of our minecraft server, along with preparing for our FiveM launch! If you have any questions or think you can help us out in any of our projects, please visit our hiring area or our chat at https://aethro.net/chat and speak to us! We'd love to hear from you.


    Till next time folks! 🙂

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